Shakespearean Drama in Motion: Animating Key Scenes from Plays on Brush Ninja Lesson Plan
Learning Objective
Students will be able to use the Brush Ninja animated gif maker to create short animated scenes based on key moments from Shakespearean plays. They will learn about basic principles of animation, storytelling, and character development while also exploring themes and language used in Shakespeare’s works.
- Computers or tablets with internet access
- Access to Brush Ninja website
- Printouts of selected scenes from Shakespearean plays (e.g., Romeo and Juliet balcony scene, Hamlet’s “To be or not to be” soliloquy)
- Writing materials for note-taking
- Introduce students to the concept of animation and explain how it can be used as a tool for storytelling.
- Discuss the importance of characterization and how it relates to creating compelling stories.
- Show examples of animated scenes from popular movies or TV shows that illustrate these concepts.
- Introduce students to Brush Ninja and demonstrate its basic features.
- Assign each student a short passage from a Shakespearean play (e.g., a monologue or dialogue between two characters).
- Instruct students to read their assigned passages carefully, paying attention to details such as character traits, tone, and setting.
- Using Brush Ninja, have students create an animated scene that captures the essence of their assigned passage.
- Encourage students to experiment with different techniques such as camera angles, timing, and pacing to enhance their animations.
- Once completed, have students share their animations with the class and discuss what they learned about storytelling through animation.
Assessment will be based on the following criteria:
- Effective use of animation techniques (e.g., timing, pacing)
- Accuracy in portraying characters’ traits and emotions
- Creativity in adapting source material into an original work
For advanced learners or those interested in further exploration:
- Have students collaborate on longer animated scenes that incorporate multiple passages from a single play.
- Encourage students to add sound effects to their animation.
- Discuss the significance of Shakespeare’s works in today’s culture and how adapting them into new forms of media can help keep them relevant.
← Sequences, Series, and PatternsSound Waves and Frequency →
How to animate with Brush Ninja
This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja
More English Lessons
Examples of Brush Ninja in Education
Made some great animated GIFs with #BrushNinja. REALLY easy to use. Used existing JPGs and PowerPoint to build the background images.
Tweeted by Scott WestburyLOVING these Traditional Literature http://Brush.Ninja animations created by 4th graders in the @nisdbeard Library!! From Cinderella to Leagend of the Indian Paintbrush! Great work
Tweeted by Elizabeth RoblesCreating a digital ABC’s libro 📖 with words they’ve learned using Brush Ninja - ¡Gracias @BrandyWalden2 for introducing me to this site!
Tweeted by Ellie ElizondoDES 4th graders in Computer Science learning how to make a Gif (not the peanut butter! 😛) using Brush Ninja. They picked it up pretty quick since it is not too much different from filming in stop-motion which they did last year in 3rd grade.
Tweeted by Kevin HughesStudents in Mrs. Hinson’s ELA classes visited Mrs. Nickerson in the Maker Space to represent their learning in a 3D way. Aftering reading & listening to the lyrics to “Man in the Mirror, students used Brush.Ninja to create an animated GIF to rep mood
Tweeted by Chapin ElementaryCheck it out @Tommyspall. @RambelleTeacher and Mrs. Dyer getting ready to use Brush Ninja next week.
Tweeted by Michael Ogg