Algebraic Equations Lesson Plan
Learning Objective
Students will be able to understand the concept of algebraic equations and create their own animated gifs depicting simple equations using Brush Ninja.
- Laptops or tablets with internet access
- Projector or smart board to display instructions and examples
- Worksheet with algebraic equation problems
- Pencils, erasers, colored pencils/crayons
- Review the concept of numbers and basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
- Introduce the concept of algebraic equations as a way to represent mathematical ideas using letters and symbols.
- Show students how to use Brush Ninja to create an animated gif.
- Explain that they will be creating their own gifs representing simple algebraic equations.
- Distribute worksheets with algebraic equation problems.
- Instruct students to solve each problem and then draw an animation in Brush Ninja that represents the equation.
Assessment will be based on student participation in creating animated gifs that accurately represent given algebraic equations.
Advanced students can try creating more complex equations or animating multiple steps in a problem. They can also experiment with different animation techniques or effects in Brush Ninja.
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How to animate with Brush Ninja
This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja
More Math Lessons
Examples of Brush Ninja in Education
Tried out a great website for 4th grade Makerspace this week. With you can build an animated gif - great results in a short time! Easy to learn, free & no account needed. Thumbs up from students!
Tweeted by Sarah HooleyHere’s some fantastic GIF animations created by some of @esmsedinburgh’s P5 classes using Brush Ninja - a moon invasion and time-lapse plant growing cartoon! Totally normal thing to say in this job 🤣
Tweeted by Mr RigbyThanks to Mr. Cocek with HRCE TILT for showing 3 Ardley, Anderson, and 3 Markowski how to use Brushninja. Animation is a TON OF FUN!
Tweeted by Ocean View SchoolDon’t you just love it when your Ss don’t want to go to lunch 😁 Their challenge - use @brushninja to show someone who has taken action, in a way that explains an action they have taken Can you guess who they are?
Tweeted by Donna GolightlyI enjoy that with #BrushNinja that when they turn in, it plays the gif on Google classroom. Also appreciate my 4th being so willing to experiment with technology.
Tweeted by Betz Creative Chaos