Plate Tectonics Lesson Plan
Learning Objective
Students will be able to explain the concept of plate tectonics, identify different types of plate boundaries and their effects on the Earth’s surface, and create an animated gif using Brush Ninja.
- Interactive whiteboard or projector
- Laptops or tablets with internet access
- Pen and paper to take notes
- Brush Ninja website
- Plate tectonics diagrams and images for reference
- Begin by asking students if they have ever felt an earthquake or heard about a volcano erupting.
- Ask them what they think causes these natural disasters.
- Introduce the concept of plate tectonics as the theory that explains how the Earth’s outer shell is made up of plates that move around on top of the molten mantle beneath.
- Show diagrams and images of different types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform).
- Explain how each type moves and what kind of landforms can be created at each boundary.
- Divide students into pairs or small groups and assign them one type of boundary to focus on.
- Instruct them to research more about their assigned boundary using reputable online sources or books from the classroom library.
- Then have students use Brush Ninja to create an animated gif that shows how their assigned boundary moves.
- Observe students while they are researching and creating their gifs to ensure understanding of plate movements at each type of boundary.
- Evaluate completed gifs based on accuracy in depicting movement at their assigned boundary as well as creativity in design.
- Have students present their gifs to the class, explaining why certain features were included in their design choices.
- Encourage students to share their gifs on a class website or social media platform to showcase their learning.
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How to animate with Brush Ninja
This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja
More Science Lessons
Examples of Brush Ninja in Education
Ss were introduced to animation this week using #BrushNinja….I love their creativity and excitement for learning new skills #proudtobeEP #makersgonnamake @EastPointeElem
Tweeted by Megan WhitsonThese second graders showed of their tech and creativity skills by using Brush Ninja to make the trees for each season.
Tweeted by Coach Raonaq❤️d working with @Longan_ES 1st today to make #BrushNinja #GIFs of themselves wearing appropriate clothing for different types of #precipitation. My fav has to be the Ss explaining that she is wearing a hard hat to protect from hail. 😂🤣❤️ Ss got to finish with a #gallerywalk!
Tweeted by Mindy Pastuszak4th and 5th grade Pirates are animating GIF files using and their imaginations!
Tweeted by Mrs. MorganPrimary 7 have been using ‘Brush Ninja’ to create animated gifs. Fantastic results from their first attempts!
Tweeted by Mrs Alexander CPS