Media Literacy and Critique Skills : Assessing the Effectiveness of Advertisements Through Animated Parodies Created on Brush ninja. Lesson Plan
Learning Objective
Students will be able to analyze advertisements and create animated parodies using Brush Ninja while developing their media literacy and critique skills.
- Computers or tablets with internet access
- Projector or smartboard for class demonstration
- Brush Ninja website
- Examples of advertisements (print, TV, or online)
- Begin by discussing what advertisements are and how they persuade people to buy products.
- Show examples of different types of advertisements such as print ads, TV commercials, and online ads.
- Discuss the different techniques used in advertisements such as catchy slogans, use of celebrities, emotional appeal, etc.
- Introduce Brush Ninja and demonstrate its features to students.
- Explain that students will be creating animated parodies of advertisements using Brush Ninja.
- Provide guidelines for creating the parody such as keeping the original message intact while changing certain elements to create humor.
- Allow students time to work on their animations individually or in pairs.
- Once completed, have students present their animations to the class and explain why they made certain changes to the original advertisement.
Assessment can be done through a rubric that includes sections for creativity, originality, humor, staying true to the original message, and use of media literacy concepts.
To extend this lesson further:
- Have students compare and contrast two different ads from similar products or services using media literacy concepts learned in class.
- Create an advertising campaign based on a social issue using Brush Ninja.
- Analyze political ads from past elections applying media literacy concepts learned in class.
- Students could write a reflection on how this activity helped develop their critical thinking skills about advertising messages they receive every day both inside and outside the classroom.
β Magnetism and ElectromagnetismNatural Selection β
How to animate with Brush Ninja
This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja
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Examples of Brush Ninja in Education
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