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Fractions and Decimals Lesson Plan

Learning Objective

Students will be able to understand and identify fractions and decimals while creating animated gifs using Brush Ninja.


  • Computers or tablets with internet access
  • Brush Ninja website
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Fraction manipulatives (optional)


  1. Introduce the concept of fractions and decimals by drawing examples on the whiteboard.
  2. Ask students to brainstorm ideas for an animated gif that involves fractions or decimals, such as a pizza being divided into slices or a number line showing fractions and decimals.
  3. Demonstrate how to use Brush Ninja by creating a simple animation, such as a pizza being eaten slice by slice.
  4. Have students work in pairs or individually to create their own animations using Brush Ninja, incorporating what they have learned about fractions and decimals.
  5. As students work, circulate around the room to provide assistance and guidance as needed.
  6. After completion, have students share their animations with the class.
  7. Review key concepts of fractions and decimals by asking students questions about their animations.


Assessment will be ongoing throughout the lesson through observation of student participation in discussions, creation of their animation using Brush Ninja, and ability to explain their understanding of fractions and decimals.


For advanced learners, challenge them to create more complex animations involving operations with fractions and decimals such as adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing these numbers. They can also try incorporating other math concepts like percentages into their animations for extra practice.

How to animate with Brush Ninja

This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja

More Tutorial Videos β†’

More Math Lessons

Note: The lessons are written with the assumption that teachers will be using them as a starting point, and will be adapting them to suit the needs of their students and curriculum.

Examples of Brush Ninja in Education

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