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Development Log

Demos and examples of what is coming up. You can see the release changelog here.

Emoji Art Updates

14 July 2022

Earlier this year I published some new apps, and my favorite is the Emoji Art one. So - I have spent a bit of time making improvements to the app. The biggest change (in my mind) is that I made it easier to share the emoji art you make. Now,...

Upcoming Images Tool

04 July 2022

I am currently working on a new feature for Brush Ninja. It’s been highly requested, and something I have put off working on becuse I couldn’t work out a user interface that would work well. It’s take a long time and the solution seems obvious now, but I’m really happy...

Custom Animation Backgrounds

28 May 2020

Update: As of January 2021 this feature is now available on Brush Ninja. There’s more help on setting custom backgrounds here. After ‘more colours’, custom background images is the most requested new feature. I’ve been asked for this a lot of times, and it’s finally coming in Brush Ninja version...

Shape Palette

13 May 2020

In Brush Ninja Classic (the current version), you can draw rectangles, circles, triangles and stars. Brush Ninja v2 allows so much more. This feature actually came about by accident. I had added the basic shape drawing functionality to Brush Ninja v2, and then wanted to add a heart shape. Which...

Editable Text

06 May 2020

Surprisingly (to me) I haven’t had many comments about adding text in Brush Ninja. It was a highly requested feature until I added it, and then people used it. But I wasn’t entirely happy. I wanted to be able to edit it. And now that I can move, scale and...

Custom Color Palette

29 April 2020

One of the most requested features is more colors in the color palette. In version 1 I intentionally kept the palette limited. This was for 2 reasons. To make Brush Ninja easy to use To encourage creativity through limitations Having now spent 2 years working on, and thinking about, Brush...

Modifying Objects Properties

20 April 2020

I think modifying object properties after they have been created is a really powerful thing. This will give us the ability to make some much more creative animations. Currently in Brush Ninja V2 you can change objects colours after they have been drawn. I think this will allow some quite...

Introducing Paint Brushes

13 April 2020

One of the things I have always wanted Brush Ninja to be is fun. Software is often quite business like and boring, and so I thought I would try to introduce some interesting new brushes to create with. Like the other shapes these brushes are vector based, which means you...

New Drawing Tools

07 April 2020

I really wanted to improve the drawing tools with the new Brush Ninja update. Drawing images is great, but it’s much easier to work with objects. I attempted a fix for this with the move and rotate tools, and while they are quite cool it’s a bit awkward if you...

Icon for Brush Ninja: Online Animation Maker Brush Ninja Online Animation Maker
Icon for Paint Ninja: Draw and Paint Online Paint Ninja Draw and Paint Online
Icon for Code Ninja: Make Art with Code Code Ninja Make Art with Code
Icon for Emoji Art: Make Emoji Art Emoji Art Make Emoji Art
Icon for Photo Collage: Make Photo Collages Photo Collage Make Photo Collages
Icon for Comic Maker: Make Comics Comic Maker Make Comics