Introduction to Literature: Creating Animated Book Trailers with Brush Ninja Lesson Plan
Learning Objective
Students will learn how to create animated book trailers using Brush Ninja and demonstrate their understanding of the literary elements of a story.
- Computers or tablets with internet access
- Brush Ninja website
- Books for students to read and create book trailers about
- Introduce the concept of book trailers and show examples of book trailers or book covers the students can be inspired by.
- Discuss the literary elements that make up a story, such as character, setting, plot, conflict, and resolution.
- Assign each student a book to read and ask them to identify the literary elements in their chosen book.
- Instruct students on how to use Brush Ninja. Show them how to add frames, draw characters, add text, and animate their drawings.
- Allow time for students to create their own book trailer using Brush Ninja based on the literary elements they identified in their assigned book.
- Have each student present their book trailer to the class.
- Assess each student’s presentation using a rubric that includes criteria such as creativity, accuracy in identifying literary elements, animation quality, and overall presentation.
Students will be assessed based on:
- Accuracy in identifying literary elements from their assigned books
- Creativity in designing animations for their book trailers
- Quality of animation produced using Brush Ninja
- Overall presentation skills during class presentation
For extension activities or homework assignments:
- Ask students to write a short piece explaining why they chose specific scenes or events from their books when creating their animated trailors.
- Encourage students to share their completed projects with classmates outside of school hours through social media platforms or video sharing sites like YouTube or Vimeo.
- Ask students if they would recommend this particular title/book/genre to their friends and why.
← Introduction to GeometryLanguage Learning Fun : Improving Vocabulary Retention With Customized Flashcards made using brush ninja. →
How to animate with Brush Ninja
This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja
More English Lessons
Examples of Brush Ninja in Education
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Tweeted by Rosío Martínez-Apolinar