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#4: Time Off

Hey hey - I hope this email finds you well!

I’ve been taking a bit of time off from building Brush Ninja this month. I make Brush Ninja for free, and so I have to do other “real” work as well in order to earn a living.

As such there’s no significant development updates but there have been some smaller bug fixes and improvements which are always satisfying to publish.

I’ve also been thinking about what I can do with Brush Ninja in the future.

The future of Brush Ninja

Obviously creating animations is the main element of Brush Ninja, and I think it always will be. But I like making things, and I’m now thinking about creating a suite of related apps under the Brush Ninja brand.

I have ideas for maybe a dozen different apps or varying complexities, and they will all be free and easy to use. I just need to decide what I want to build first.

I shall let you know once I start building things, and if you’re a Patron you’ll be the first to try them out.

There’s been some really good animations posted on Twitter over the last month. Please keep sharing them so I can fill out the gallery.


Brush Ninja is being used to make comics! I love the creativity and seeing Brush Ninja used in unusual ways.

I originally added image exporting because people were asking to print the images out, but now I’ve seen this I am going to add an extra image export mode that adds borders, and removes the gap between frames to make the images look more like comics, and easier to read.

If you have any other ideas for making the exported images more comic like please let me know (you can reply to this email).

Teaching Idioms

This is a fun animation with a dark sense of humour, that also happens to explain idioms. Fantastic!

Pop Culture

This collection of animations was done for school but it uses a host of pop culture references. I’m a video gamer (and hobbyist game developer) so the Pokemon and Among Us tributes are really nice to see 😄.

Next Month

I want to get back and do some work on Brush Ninja next month. I plan to work on the comic exporting that I mentioned above, and an updated animation background properties box.


Thanks a lot for using Brush Ninja, and continuing to create fantastic animation and give feedback on it.

If you want early access to new Brush Ninja features then please join my Patreon. I value every follower, and every dollar given gives me the opportunity to spend more time working on it.

Have a great weekend - Ben.

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