Exploring Renewable Energy Sources Lesson Plan
Learning Objective
- Students will understand the concept of renewable energy sources and their importance in reducing our carbon footprint.
- Students will create an animated gif using Brush Ninja to showcase their knowledge and understanding of different renewable energy sources.
- Computers or tablets with internet access for each student or group of students.
- Brush Ninja animated gif maker.
- Research materials (books, articles, websites) about renewable energy sources.
- Begin by discussing with the students the importance of finding alternative energy sources that are sustainable and do not harm the environment.
- Ask students if they have heard about renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power, hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, or biomass. Encourage them to share what they know.
Research and Exploration
- Divide students into small groups or pairs.
- Provide each group with research materials about one specific type of renewable energy source.
- Instruct students to read and gather information about their assigned source.
- Encourage them to take notes on key facts, benefits, limitations, and any interesting examples related to their assigned source.
Animated Gif Creation
- Introduce Brush Ninja as a tool for creating animated gifs.
- Demonstrate how to use Brush Ninja’s features and tools for creating simple frame-by-frame animations.
- Instruct students to open Brush Ninja on their devices and start creating an animated gif that showcases their assigned renewable energy source.
- Remind them to include relevant images or drawings representing the source along with text captions highlighting its benefits or interesting facts.
- Allow each group some time to finalize their animated gifs.
- Invite groups to present their gifs in front of the class while explaining the key features and benefits of their assigned renewable energy source.
- Encourage classmates to ask questions or provide feedback after each presentation.
- Observe students’ engagement during the research phase, their ability to collect relevant information, and their creativity in creating animated gifs using Brush Ninja.
- Evaluate students’ presentations based on the accuracy of their information about renewable energy sources and their ability to effectively communicate the key features and benefits of their assigned source through their animated gifs.
Students can research and present case studies showcasing real-life examples of how these renewable energy sources are being used in various parts of the world.
← Exploring Pop ArtExtinction of the Dinosaurs →
How to animate with Brush Ninja
This video teaches the basics of using Brush Ninja
More Environment Lessons
Examples of Brush Ninja in Education
Making our mark on International Dot Day-ish with Brush Ninja Animation Maker!
Tweeted by Rosemary LaraDemonstrating how Earth orbits around the Sun. Can’t wait to have my students do this next week.
Tweeted by Olivia QuinterosThese second graders showed of their tech and creativity skills by using Brush Ninja to make the trees for each season.
Tweeted by Coach RaonaqMrs. Benoit. All of my 7th graders in science are creating Brush Ninja GIFs to show their knowledge about organismal and symbiotic relationships! Thanks to Mr. Robidoux for joining the classes to help our students!
Tweeted by Mrs. BenoitSs used https://brush.ninja again today to create literal idiom gifs! In a jam, raining cats & dogs, butterflies in my stomach, etc. They shared them with me on their @GoogleForEdu drives and I made this collage.
Tweeted by Kristi Shepherd1st and 4th graders collaborating, communicating, & being creative as they research animal habitats and using Brush Ninja to showcase what they’ve learned!!Miss Sterlachini & Miss White’s classes love learning together!!
Tweeted by Jenny Reasoner