Emoji Art Help
Get help with your Emoji Art images.
- How to draw with Emojis
- Searching for Emojis
- Emoji art settings
- Sharing emoji art
- Why is the grid so small?
- Emoji Gallery
How to draw with Emojis
The emoji art maker is a grid of emojis. You can select a new emoji from the (very large) list of emojis of the editor and then click on the grid to place it. You can also click and drag as you might in a painting app to draw multiple emojis at once. You can then combine these emojis to create images.
Searching for Emojis
The emoji palette includes a search field. This helps you to find the emoji you want quickly.
Emoji art settings
There are 2 settings for the emoji art editor. These only affect downloaded images, they will not be visible if you copy the emojis to your clipboard.
- Size - This is the size of the generated image. The rectangular images are perfect for using in the comic maker app.
- Color - The background colour for the generated image. The colour is previewed live.
Sharing emoji art
The app allows you to share your emoji art in 3 different ways.
- Share on Twitter - this will open a new window with the emoji art already inserted. This makes it really easy to share on social media.
- Download Image - You can download the art as pngs. This is great for saving an image long term, or for sticking it on websites like Instagram.
- Copy Art to Clipboard - This inserts the emojis, as text, into your clipboard. This means you can add the text to other social media platforms, or send them in emails, add them to documents. Anything you can think of.
- Copy Link to Clipboard - This copies the current url to your clipboard. The url updates as you draw an image so that anyone who visits that webpage will load the art you created. This makes it super easy to share your creations.
Why is the grid so small?
There are various sizes of emoji art grid available however the default is 10x10.
The small size of the grid is chosen because it allows emoji art to be pasted inside Twitter. Twitter has strict character count limits, so making the artwork bigger would mean you can’t share it on Twitter. If you don’t want it to be so small you can always click the ‘Pixel Count’ button and increase the size of the grid giving you more space to work with.
Emoji Gallery
If you create something awesome then send if over with information about you and, if it’s appropriate, I will add it to the emoji art gallery. Keep in mind that all art has to be family friendly, nothig rude, violent, or illegal will be considered.