ā† Newsletter Archive

#28: Celebrating Members

Hi there, welcome to a new issue of the Brush Ninja newsletter.

Itā€™s now been 1 year since I launched Brush Ninja members accounts. These premium accounts allow customers to get access to additional features in Brush Ninja apps. Over the year since I have added the premium members accounts I have also worked on new features to bring even more value to the accounts.

The two big features I have added are sound effects, and video export. These are both things I have thought about for ages and always assumed I wouldnā€™t be able to add, but they are now there and working well.

The sound effects are selected from a list of sounds, many of which are available for free users to use as well. Paid members get access to more, and I plan to allow paid members to use there own songs in a future update too.

New Game

After the animation maker the most popular page on Brush Ninja is the typing game, so I made a new game. Itā€™s all about country flags and guessing (learning) what country they represent.

Screenshot 2023-10-04 at 22.07.48.png

More Changes Incoming

In the not too distant future I am going to have to move the website around a bit. The animation editor will no longer be on the homepage. The reason for this is technical, but essentially Google are changing how they rank websites and one of the criteria is how fast a page loads. Because the homepage is the most visited page, and because thereā€™s a lot of javascript, it loads relatively slowly, so I need to make it faster.

This means I will do two things.

  1. I will make the homepage a list of all the apps (and games) and point to the individual app pages.
  2. I will change the way the apps load so that they donā€™t load the JavaScript until you click a button.

Iā€™m putting all this off because itā€™s annoying. I like how quick and easy it is to get to the editor at the moment. I donā€™t want to add extra obstacles. Iā€™ll make it as simple as possible so that it doesnā€™t slow you down too much.

##Ā Gallery

Yay - people are posting stuff on socials again. So Iā€™ve updated the gallery.


Thanks a lot for your continued support. Please keep tagging #brushninja on Twitter/ X and Instagram and so I can keep on filling up the gallery. I look forward to seeing more content in the coming month!

Have a great October and Iā€™ll see you again next month.


Icon for Brush Ninja: Online Animation Maker Brush Ninja Online Animation Maker
Icon for Paint Ninja: Draw and Paint Online Paint Ninja Draw and Paint Online
Icon for Code Ninja: Make Art with Code Code Ninja Make Art with Code
Icon for Emoji Art: Make Emoji Art Emoji Art Make Emoji Art
Icon for Photo Collage: Make Photo Collages Photo Collage Make Photo Collages
Icon for Comic Maker: Make Comics Comic Maker Make Comics