ā† Newsletter Archive

#8: New Stuff

Hello - hows things going?

I was going to write this on Monday but my internet stopped working. Thatā€™s one of the problems with working digitally, weā€™re at the mercy of things that we canā€™t control. Itā€™s working at the moment though so Iā€™m going to finish it off.

Iā€™ve been a bit slow with new features and functionality recently. Sometimes I feel bad about this, like I should be pumping out new features all the time, but Brush Ninja isnā€™t my job - I need to do other work to earn money to provide for my wife and son (BTW big thank you to my awesome Patrons who continue to support me!). Plus I just need to do other things for my own mental health.

However Iā€™ve recently been getting the Brush Ninja itch again and so I am now building out some new features for the app.

  1. Firstly Iā€™ve added a new ā€˜Comicā€™ export option. This is similar to the image export but adds a black background which acts as borders around the images to make the images easier to read.
  2. Iā€™m adding a ā€˜Captionsā€™ mode. This lets you add notes to your frames. These can be information about what youā€™re drawing, or text that you want to display. When you export your animation you will be able to select whether the captions are exported or not (this is what Iā€™m working on at the moment). I suspect this feature will be more useful for comics rather than gifs (where the text may move too quickly).
  3. Iā€™ve redesigned the background image uploader, and am planning to add some different background image textures that might be fun to animate on top of.

Along with this Iā€™ve managed to fix a couple of bugs and tweak some behaviours that make Brush Ninja more consistent & logical.

Hopefully my Patrons will be testing the new features next week, and I will be publishing them before the next newsletter.

More Apps?

One of the things I have been thinking about is making Brush Ninja about more than just animation. Iā€™d like to add other apps that would be both useful, and fun. I imagine they would be simpler than the animation tool, but I think thereā€™s a lot of potential to use technology in education and I donā€™t see a reason I canā€™t be part of it. I have a list of ideas already but if anyone has anything they have always wanted to see Iā€™d love to hear your suggestions.

Whether itā€™s improvements to Brush Ninja, or new apps; Iā€™d be interested to know what you want to see. You can reply to this email if you have any suggestions.

Happy Animating - Ben

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